T-Rex 0.19.3-NVIDIA显卡(GPU)挖矿软件下载

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发表于 2020-12-11 18:30:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
T-Rex 挖矿软件介绍使用教程:https://wk588.com/12816-1-1.html

T-Rex 0.19.3更新日志:
(octopus) Performance improvements 1-2% on some configurations (octopus, ethash) Reduce the amount of invalid shares Add --no-hashrate-report parameter to disable hashrate reporting to the mining pool Add --gpu-report-interval parameter removed in an earlier version Add --keep-gpu-busy parameter to continue mining even in case of connection loss (useful if pausing GPUs causes instability) Add --api-read-only parameter to forbid applying config changes via API and web-monitoring page Add CUDA Compute Capability 8.0 video cards support (NVIDIA A100) (UI) Various cosmetic changes

Bug fixes:

(Windows) Miner crashes when using v460.79 video drivers

octopus )在某些配置下性能提高1-2% (章鱼, ethash )减少无效共享的数量 添加-no-hashrate-report 参数以禁用向挖矿池的哈希率报告 添加在早期版本中删除的-gpu-report-interval 参数 添加-keep-gpu-busy 参数以即使在连接断开的情况下也继续挖掘(如果暂停GPU会导致不稳定,则很有用) 添加-api-只读参数,以禁止通过API和网络监控页面应用配置更改 添加CUDA计算能力8.0视频卡支持(NVIDIA A100) (UI)各种外观变化

错误修复: (Windows)使用v460.79视频驱动程序时Miner崩溃
T-Rex 0.19.3官方原版下载连接:
t-rex-0.19.3-linux-cuda10.0.tar.gz 软件大小:15.4 MB
t-rex-0.19.3-linux-cuda11.1.tar.gz 软件大小:20.8 MB
t-rex-0.19.3-linux-cuda9.1.tar.gz 软件大小:15.4 MB
t-rex-0.19.3-linux-cuda9.2.tar.gz 软件大小:14.9 MB
t-rex-0.19.3-win-cuda10.0.zip 软件大小:18.1 MB
t-rex-0.19.3-win-cuda11.1.zip 软件大小:22.8 MB
t-rex-0.19.3-win-cuda9.1.zip 软件大小:17.7 MB
t-rex-0.19.3-win-cuda9.2.zip 软件大小:17.6 MB



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